Our submission requirements
We're easy. If you would like to be considered for being published by Wind and Wheat Fields Publishing, please email us a query letter along with three chapters from your book. Don't worry if you feel that your query letter isn't very impressive. Your book chapters will demonstrate your talent in a way that a query letter can't. Please make sure your query letter includes your book's title, genre/category, word count (not page count), plot summary, when the book will be finished if it is not completed (you will need to estimate the word count in this instance), and a bio note.
If your book is a children's book, please include a query letter with your book's title and a bio note. Submit the query letter with the completed manuscript in PDF format or a Word document. Unfinished children's book manuscripts will not be considered.
We do not require the first three chapters of your non-children's book. Please include what you consider to be three of your best chapters. The query letter and three chapters should be in PDF format or a Word document. Our email address is submissions@windandwheatfields.com.
We endeavor to get back to you within 45 days if we are requesting the remainder of your book. If you have not heard from us in that time, you can assume that we are not a fit. We wish you all the best if you don't hear from us. Don't give up!